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The Sun is Looking Angry Today
That massive sunspot group rivals the size of the one that triggered the Carrington Event in 1859. So far it has kicked off some large coronal mass ejections heading our way, but fortunately nothing on that scale. Let’s hope we just get some pretty auroras from this, and nothing more damaging!

The Eye of Sauron, revisited
This is the Helix Nebula, sometimes also called the “Eye of God” or the “Eye of Sauron”. It’s a planetary nebula, formed by a star blowing off its outer layers of gas before collapsing into the white dwarf you can see at its center. This is thought to be the ultimate fate of our own…

NGC 3344: Another obscure, isolated galaxy
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Bode’s Galaxies (Again)
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NGC2403: An obscure galaxy in an obscure constellation.
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The Whale and the Hockey Stick
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